Saturday, September 19, 2009

Senior Citizens + Fun

Been feeling kind of blah the past few days - I hate that. But, surely makes one appreciate the feeling-good days that follow!

This morning I got to have breakfast with some of my Senior friends. (Well I, too. am a senior but of these folks two were 85, two were 87, one 92 and one 76.) They are a delight and always have something to contribute to the conversation and always offer good stuff for a laugh! One of the guys told a story this morning that went something like this:

"A fellow had just gotten these new-fangled hearing aids and was raving wildly about how wonderful they were and how they were allowing him to hear things in such a moment later crystal clear way - he was just over-joyed! A moment later the fellow next to him leaned over and asked him "What price was it?" The new owner of the hearing aid looked at his watch and said "10 after 9"."

Well, WE thought it was funny anyway. But enough for now...Go out and live like it might be your last day. (It might!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's hard to believe! Fifteen-plus months since my last posting. How quickly days fly by. SOOOOooo much has transpired since that last posting. My mind can hardly put it all together. What a journey it's been. Some great times, some not so much. There were hilarious times, some regular-every-day kind, and some pretty scary ones. Lots of tear-filled and aching days and some with physical pain...but ALWAYS, the knowing that God "...never leaves or forsakes". How I thank Him for all of them, and for all I've learned through it all.

I can say that one of the things which has changed me most overall during these months is the new depth of appreciation for the "every day" stuff of life...along with how much I appreciate my loved ones. That includes not only each one of my wonderful immediate and extended family, but also all those amazing friends who have shared my journey. Even more, I have come to a place where I can honestly say with St. Paul that "...for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."