Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flowers and Friendships

Friendships are like beautiful flowers. You see their pure colors, their soft petals, their blending in with other blossoms or greens around them. They all have their own individual shapes and sizes - but together they are exquisite.

That's alot like "real" friendships I think. Today I had the wonderful experience of visiting with one of my favorite people in all the world. We've been friends for forty-five plus years - raising our children, sharing stuff that is deep and personal, walking together through the deaths of precious ones, becoming grandmothers - and on and on through so many more steps of life.

Since we live many miles apart, we rarely have the opportunity to do what we did today...just sit on the deck of a quaint little Deli, enjoying our friendship even more than the delicious food. Our time went waaayyy too quickly and then it was time to say our farewells after one last hug.

I LOVE friendships!! I think God gives us friends so we can really know how He wants to interact with us. I feel so rich today.

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